Welcome to Madhwa Yuva Pratishthana

Striving for sanmArga, sachchAstra, satsaMga, sadbhakti, sajnyAna..

MYP is a team of young, dedicated, well guided, dynamic and devoted lot, who are well set on the path of sAdhane and are basically engaged voluntarily in the areas of

  • Knowledge Sharing,
  • Educational Support & Assistance and
  • Service to the Madhwa Community at large.

MYP has come in to being in 2007 by a conglomeration of all active madhwa youth e-groups working in Bangalore. MYP was rejuvenated and Registered as MADHWA YUVA PRATISHTHANA on March 27, 2015 with it’s Registered Office at:

Registered Office

Regd. Office: # 13/14, 2nd Floor, 11th Cross,
12th Main, Raghavendra Block, Srinagar,
BENGALURU – 560050

Email: info@myptrust.org
Contact:+91 8197797024

Communication Address

Madhwa Yuva Pratishthana
#51, 12th Cross, 12th Main,
Raghavendra Block, Srinagar,
Bengaluru -560050
Email: info@myptrust.org
Contact:+91 8197797024

MYP has set a Vision is to spread the rich philosophy and ethnicity of Sri Madhwacharya to the present youth and carry it on to the next generation.

The activities of MYP are managed by a two tier system:

MYP Trust :
A registered non – profit making body – A legal entity – Administrative Board with Five Trustees.

MYP Governing Council :
Policy making Apex body with 14 Members nominated by the board of Trustees for a period of two years – term of office.

MYP Google Group :
MYP has an Google group of more than 3500 e-subscribers who contribute, share and discuss their query though daily e-mails on their jijnyase of mAdhwa siddhAnta, travel, literature, dasa sAhitya, events, programmes, community issues, achAra-viChara, sat-saMpradAya, rituals, nitya karmas, festivals, adhyAtma sAdhane, publications, music and saMskruti though which, they get satisfactory solutions for their doubts and issues from learned scholars and members of the group cutting across Matha affiliations.  All the incoming and outgoing mails are moderated judiciously.


  • Provide an opportunity to learn tatwavAda and also propagate the same to mAdhwa community
    Activities: Shastra Adhyayana, Pravachanas, Bhajane,Sanskrit classes, Workshops/Seminars, Exams, Quizs and awareness programmes such as Questionnaires, Handouts, Publications etc more targeted to youth & children.
  • Conduct Yatras and provide all mAdhwas an opportunity to visit holy places at nominal costs with zero burden on logistic arrangements.
    Activities: Publish travelogues/reports/roadmaps of each yAtre, virtual tours and spread the awareness to Madhwa community.
  • Build a strong Madhwa network in general, youth in particular
    Activities: Through Bhajans, HariVayustuti Punashcharane, Grama Pradakshine, Dharma Parikrama, Quarterly group meet, Family get-together to understand the needs, aspiration of Group members.
  • Help and assist deserving Madhwa students, Unemployed youths, Purohits, Cooks, and Madhwa Vidyapeethas/ Organizations in fulfilling their needs.
    Activities: Generate funds for the above thru voluntary contributions and donations and manage distribution of funds under various heads.

MYP Nidhis

Akshara Nidhi
Offers financial assistance to mAdhwa students in their pursuit of vEda, vEdaMta adhyayana. Total amount spent so far: more than a Lakh of Rs.
Dhanvantari Nidhi
Offers financial assistance in medical emergencies of vaidika family members (including parents of a vidyapeetha student). Total amount spent so far : more than Rs. 8.5 Lakhs.
Sudhama Nidhi
Offers educational and medical assistance to poor deserving mAdhwa families who are not engaged in vaidik vRutti.
Vyasa Nidhi
Offers support to sudhA paMdits who take up pAThA – pravachana in smaller towns without taking up salaried jobs.

How to Join Madhwa Yuva Pratishthana ?

*Method – 1:*

Go to the Google Groups page at

Click on the button “Ask to Join Group!” and follow the instructions mentioned therein.

*Method – 2:*

Just send an email to the following address & you are done!