Aims & Objectives

(a) To take over, open, found, establish, promote, set-up, run, maintain, assist, finance, support and/or aid or help in the setting up and/or maintaining and/or running, schools, colleges, research institutions, lecture halls, training institutes, libraries, reading rooms, and other establishments or institutions for advancement of education and of knowledge in traditional sciences, arts, science, literature, humanities, medicine, and all other useful subjects in all their manifestations.

(b) To promote, advance and encourage and/or aid in helping, promoting, advancing and encouraging education including technical and medical education, physical training, training of handicrafts, fine art and other useful arts and crafts among the public including the establishment and maintenance of gurukuls, vidyapeeths, Shilpa-Shikshalayas, Kala-Kendras and other welfare centres.

(c) To foster and encourage education and training and establish and found institutions, imparting education and to establish, maintain, support, sponsor or help by monetary gifts or otherwise, centers and institutions for women and children and to provide social welfare works for women and children.

(d) To grant, pay or give scholarship, stipends, prizes, rewards, sponsorships, allowance and other financial assistance, educational loans or help in cash or kind to students with a view to help them in pursuing their studies in schools, colleges, traditional educational institutions, technical institutions, art schools, institutions teaching commercial and other arts including teaching of cultural arts or other training, research or educational works in India.

(e) To give, provide and/or render help and assistance in cash or kind including food, shelter, medical facilities and clothes to poor, needy, destitutes, widows, sick, disabled and such other persons.

(f) To give, provide and/or render help and assistance to and/or implement any scheme for providing livelihood and upliftment of the poor, sick and needy.

(g) To give, provide and/or render monetary and/or other help and assistance for the relief of persons and animals affected by natural and other calamities such as flood, fire, famine, cyclone, earth-quake, storm, accident, pestilence, drought, epidemic, unbearable cost of living and the like, to give donations, subscriptions or contributions to institutions, establishments, centers or persons doing relief work on such occasions.

(h) To promote, organize, administer, establish, support, maintain and/or grant aid to any person, institutions or society or organizations whatsoever having for its objects of charitable purpose and to incur expenditure in connection therewith.

(i) To promote, assist and/or maintain all activities by whosoever carried on or wherever carried on in India in conformity with the objects of the Trust and as are conducive to the well being and general welfare of the Nation or are conducive to the advancement of any object or objects of general public utility not involving/carrying on any activity for profit.

(j) To do all such acts and deeds as may be necessary or conducive to the attainment of the above objects.

(k) To give, provide and or render food, medicine and other help and/or assistance in any shape or form to the poor, sick, aged, deserving and needy persons.

(l) To start, maintain and assist any relief measures in those parts which are or become subjected to natural calamities such as flood, fire, drought, famine, cyclone, earth-quake, epidemic, storm, accident, pestilence, etc.

(m) To establish, maintain or grant aid for the establishment or maintenance of wells, tube-wells, tanks, water-reservoirs, toilets, and constructions of and repairs to paths, roads, bridges, etc, for the use of the public.

(n) To erect, construct, acquire, establish, promote, setup and manage or to assist in erecting, establishing, acquiring, promoting or setting up training centers, hostels, Infirmaries, dispensaries, orphanages, destitute homes, houses for widows and aged persons.
(o) To maintain and run centers for feeding the poor or to assist in providing for poor feeding.

(p) To hold discourses of subjects touching upon Indian culture, tradition and way of life with a view to raise the moral, education and peaceful standard of the public at large.

(q) To assist and provide for the poor by constructing community halls, dharmashalas etc., to conduct feeding of the poor and give food clothing and cash grants to the poor and to grant donations for the support of the inmates of orphanages, rescue and rehabilitation centers and similar institutions.

(r) To perform or facilitate to perform poojas, Utsavas, or festival celebration in any Temple/s or any other religious places or to perform any activities in the temples with the view to raise the moral or peaceful standard of the public.

(s) To encourage the efforts of people who are engaged in authoring, publishing books related to our culture, tradition etc.

1. Without prejudice to the generality of the provisions of this instrument of trust, the Board of Trustees shall have and may exercise all or any of the following powers :

(a) To acquire on lease or by purchase or otherwise, to sell, mortgage, to lease or otherwise to transfer in any manner, properties, movable or immovable, to construct buildings and to carry out other improvements thereto of the purpose of the trust and to manage and to deal with properties, movable or immovable and all other assets of the Trust and to pledge, to raise funds to repay loans or otherwise and to deal generally with the assets for the purpose of the Trust.

(b) To manage the properties of the Trust;

(c) To accept the management of any trust fund or endowment in which the Trust is interested ;

(d) The Trustees may borrow money required for the purpose of the trust on by way of Bank Overdraft, loan or otherwise, as may be necessary, for the benefit of the Trust and for more effectively carrying out the objects of the Trust, by mortgage or pledge, hypothecation, deposit of the Trust properties or any part thereof with or without any security and at such rate of interest and on such terms as they may in their discretion think fit ;

(e) To borrow for the purpose of Trust on personal credit of the Trust with or without charge and responsibility upon the assets of the Trust , whether from the bankers of the trust under such terms and conditions as they may agree upon from time to time.

(f) To receive any money, securities, instruments, or other assets in any shape or form from any person/s, trust, government agencies, institutions, society etc., as gift or donation and to hold the same as a part of the capital fund or corpus fund of the Trust, even if such persons do not express their desire to do so for the same, or to make it available for the application of further the objects of the Trust without treating the same as income of the Trust.

(g) To collect funds by donations, subscriptions, grants presents or contributions and other offerings either in cash or in kind.

(h) To enter into agreements for and on behalf of the Trust;

(i) To sue and defend all legal proceedings on behalf of the Trust;

(j) To establish a provident and other similar fund for the benefit of the employees of the Trust and manage such funds ;

(k) To grant receipts, to sign and execute instruments and to endorse or discount cheques or other negotiable instruments through its accredited agents ;

(l) To make sign and execute all such documents and instruments as may be necessary or proper for carrying on the management of the property or affairs of the trust ;

(m) To accumulate the income of the Trust and to amalgamate the same with the corpus of the Trust and any income of the Trust not spent in the same year unless otherwise determined by the Board of Trustees be deemed to be accumulated ;

(n) To grant fellowships, scholarships or other monetary assistance, on such terms and conditions as they may prescribe, to such persons as they may select for carrying on any research, investigation or study in a subject in which the Trust is interested ;

(n) To receive, collect or realize or cause collection or realization of all interest, dividends, bonus or premium that accrues or becomes due on all or any stock, funds, securities, shares, debentures and alike in which the Trust funds have been invested.

(o) To represent or cause to represent the Trust in all courts (original and Appellate) or before Authorities and Departments of Government, Semi Government or local Authority.

(p) To execute or negotiate all the necessary papers and documents (whether negotiable or non negotiable) and receive money or other assets and to grant receipts and discharges.

(q) To sign and verify all pleading, memorandum of appeals, petitions and applications of all kinds, to compromise, abandon, compound or refer to arbitrations the whole of any apart of the claim by or against the trust, to engage lawyers and to take all other necessary steps.

(r) To appoint, as many committees or advisory councils or sub-committee of Trustees for the achievement or the furtherance of the objects of the Trust and to assign from time to time such functions and duties and delegate such powers as the Trustees may deem fit to such committees or advisory councils ;

(s) The First Trustees may frame rules and regulations as to the duties and responsibilities of each Trustee, to appoint sub-committees, mode of conducting any other matters connected with the administration of the Trust and its management and amend all the rules and regulations from time to time as they deem fit.

(t) To appoint, from time to time, such and so many employees and on such terms and conditions, as they may deem fit, for carrying on the management and the affairs of the Trust ;

(u) To appoint such and so many persons and on such terms and conditions, as they may be deem fit, for the conducting of the studies, investigation, researches, teaching or other work undertaken by the Trust ;

(v) To exercise control over the employees of the trust, including the power of appointment / dismissal / termination / suspension or otherwise to deal with the Staff;

(w) To select, from time to time, subject or subjects in which investigations, studies, researches and teaching may be conducted by the Trust;

(x) To correspond with scholars, institutions and organisations and to cooperate with them in matters relating to the work of the Trust ;

(y) To appoint, if they may be deem fit, delegates to represent the Trust, in conferences in India and abroad;

(z) To hold lectures, seminars and to arrange for studies, investigations, researches and conferences in such objects and in such manner as they deem fit, from time to time ;

(aa) To institute and maintain reading rooms and libraries.