MYP brings out every year beautiful, thematic adorable calendars as service to the community members. These are designed with high quality digital images by our Team...

Dear Sajjanas, The last few months have been gut-wrenching. The news surrounding us has been brutal and many of us have faced the impact of...

MYP offered its aLilu sEve through ‘Madhwa Covid Care IshTi’- 1.0 Dear Sajjanas, Shri Madhwacharya says – nAnA jana sushrushA karmAkhyA karavnmiyate. This means, service...

A Special Edition - “Jaya Kolhapura NilayE” Dear Haribhaktas, As you are kindly aware, the Calendar for 2021 could not be brought out by us due...

harayE namaH! Dear Madhwa Bandhugale, MYP is pleased to declare that Jnana Deepa Yojane at Paranti Sura Sadanam, has been accomplished on last Saturday, the Dec...