MYP Completes 13 Years of Service to Madhwa Community


Dear HaribhaktAs,

As the most auspicious 350th Aradhana of ShrI Guru Raghavendra Tirtharu (Tuesday, the 24th August 2021) is being celebrated all over the world with great fervor and devotion though under restrictions and limitation due to the threat of Corona Pandemic’s third wave.

The onset of the year 2021 has seen the worst-hit dangerous spread of the Second Wave of Pandemic and manukula has been shattered and all adhyAtmic activities had come to almost standstill by forcing us to be indoors again.

However, the advent of Technology has somehow provided us a shallow escape route to engage ourselves in bare minimum anukalpAs on online pATha- pravachana, group meetings, and bhajans, etc. We are sure, this has given us a bit of solace. Again, it is due to His recurring grace and not otherwise.

For us at MYP, this is a very special and blissful day. On this same auspicious day, MYP was established with the blessings of Shri Hari Vayu GurugaLu and Shri Rayaru.

On this occasion, We at MYP pray and request all Madhwa bandhavas all over the world to stay home, stay safe, and healthy.

A great sage Sri Raghavendra Tirtharu was a seer of ultimate truth, who could grant the prayers of countless devotees, and cure the inexplicable diseases of the mortals that too even after Three Hundred Fifty years of his SasharIra BrindAvana PravEsha.

Today, we pray, cry, pester, and appeal to him only for removing our grief and granting us prosperity. We should, in fact, pray to him for cleansing our craving for earthly pleasures and granting us Jnana, bhakti, vairAgya, and the eligibility to receive blessings of Sri Mukhya Prana dEvru and Sri VedavyAsa dEvru who alone can grant us the ultimate bliss – redemption from the cycle of birth.

MYP successfully completes THIRTEEN years now.

It is with immense pleasure that Team MYP would like to inform you all that we have had the utmost privilege of serving our community for the last 13 years though in a limited way.

Accomplishments and aLilu SEve during the year 2020-21:

A/- Under the scheme of Dhanvantri Nidhi, during the year, MYP could offer Medical Assistance and support to a needy Madhwa viz. Sri Vagisha, an Archaka suffering from Diabatic Foot and was rendered jobless. MYP could offer him financial support on the auspicious Sri Manmadhwa Navami, which was indeed possible through crowd-funding by noble and generous contributions by devout Madhwas all over the world. MYP is indebted to this overwhelming support and patronage in its endeavor, especially to SVBM, USA members. However, we regret to report the sad demise of Sri Vagisha 0n 12th July’21. BhagavadichChe!

B/- MYP undertook again Madhwa COVID Care IshTi: CCI-2.0 project to help and support our co-Madhwas affected by the Second Wave of Covid-19. By the recurring grace of Sri Hari Vayu GurugaLu, it was possible to offer Tualsi Dala Samarpane of disbursement of financial assistance to 48 needy Madhwa Brahmins. Under this scheme too, MYP identified the most deserving and needy Madhwa Purohits, Archakas, Cooks, and other support staff at various Temples and Mathas in remote areas in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, and Andhra Pradesh. We could receive generous donations to the tune of INR 4.5 Lakhs and could disburse financial assistance from Sri Narasimha Jayanti till June 2021 to all 48 beneficiaries and the Status Update to this effect was shared during June’21 itself.

C/- Under its Knowledge Sharing Initiative, Team MYP after successful completion of sharing daily one Brahma Sutra with Sri Jagannatha Yati’s Sutra Dipika and its English translation by Dr. V R Panchmukhi, in their e-Group mail,

from Ugadi Pratipada, Sri ShArvarI SaMvatsara, Team MYP has stared sharing daily one shlOka of Sri Madhwa Vijaya – Sri Narayanapanditacharya’s Mula shloKa, Kannada tAtparya by sAhitya shirOmaNi Sri Srinivasa Bhat, Udupi (1932) and English Translation by Sri NAPS Rao, SVM, Bangalore in their e-Group Mail and other e-groups. MYP has so far completed Six Chapters (Sargas).

D/- As we all know, due to continued Pandemic situation, MYP could not bring out their much-adored yearly Calendar for 2021 and utilized funds for the support of CCI-2.0 beneficiaries.

Needless to say, it’s a boon bestowed upon us to have you all along with us in our adhyAtmika journey & dwell ourselves in constant sAdhane striving for sanmArga, sachchAstra, satsaMga, sadbhakti and sajnAna all along.

Let us pray and continue our blissful sAdhane on this auspicious day by chanting Sri Appannacharya’s immortal and most benevolent Sri Raghavendra StOtram – 108 times (ashTottarashata) for benevolence and sublime blessings.

MYP requests all haribhaktas / jijnAsus to extend their continued support and patronage for all the ventures in the service of mAdhwa community as always in the past.

सर्वेन्द्रिय प्रेरकेण श्री प्राणपतिनेरितः|
यदवोचमहंतेन प्रीयताम् कमलालयः||

ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः ।

सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत् ।

ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

… shubhamastu.

– Team MYP


