Covid Care IshTi 1.0


MYP offered its aLilu sEve through ‘Madhwa Covid Care IshTi’- 1.0

Dear Sajjanas,

Shri Madhwacharya says – nAnA jana sushrushA karmAkhyA karavnmiyate. This means, service to humanity is as compulsory as paying tax to govt.

As per above AdEsha, MYP undertook Madhwa Covid Care IshTi -1.0 project to help and support our co-Madhwas in this challenging times.

By the recurring grace of Sri Hari Vayu GurugaLu, It was possible to offer Special Puje to ChaturviMshati rUpas of Sri Hari through Tulasi Dala Samarpane of disbursement of financial assistance to 24 needy Madhwa Brahmins.

As envisaged, our GC members and volunteers identified and validated the most deserving and needy Madhwa Purohits, Archakas, Cooks, and other support staff at various Temples and Mathas in remote areas in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.

We could receive generous donations to the tune of INR 1.5Lakhs in such a short span and could disburse financial assistance starting form Akshaya Triteeya to all 24 Madhwas. MYP wish to express its heartfelt gratitude to all the donors who contributed to its MCCI 1.0 Project.

We pray Sri Hari Vayu Gurugalu to bestow their abundant – Akshaya blessings to all the contributors.

Looking forward to your continued support and patronage as always,

ChaturviMshati rUpAtmaka Shri KrishnAparaNamastu

-Team MYP


