PitRu Yajna


Dear Haribhakatas,

MYP is pleased to record its gratitude to all the participants who tread to PPSM on Sunday, July 17, 2016 for their quest of knowledge as usual and made it an eventful day.

There were more than 65 jijnAsus who participated in a day-long workshop for marathon chintana on Dos & Don’ts during their most valued PitRu kArya.

The event was chaired by HH Sri Vishwanandana Tirtha Swamiji of Sri Madhwa Matha, Hanasoge. who also blessed us by delivering his graceful Sandesha and analysis of the sessions held.

The two sessions of the workshop were intensive discourses covering all aspects of PitRu Yajna such as : PitRu Rina, ShrAddha dEvategaLu, preparations, Samaya, sthaLa, Chintane during shrAddha, piMDa pradAna, TarpaNa, vaishwadEva nirNaya, hastOdaka, pitRuprasAda, Items for bhUri bhOjana,etc., The sessions were aptly delivered by two eminent Dwaita scholars of repute viz. Pt. Karanam Vadirajacharya and Vidwan Pratoshacharya.

All the Q&A sessions were very interactive and the clarifications offered by HH Swamiji were very apt and participants were highly satisfied. HH Swamiji’s Presidential address was the hallmark of the event.

MYP is indebted to Poorna Prajna Samshodhana Mandir, for all their support and facilities for holding another successful event. The participants appreciated the efforts of the organising Team for their professional approach to the event.

By the grace shrI hari vAyu gurugaLu, Event was a such a great success and was able to deliver the right kind of inputs for PitRu Yajna as enshrined in our Shruti / Smritis.

During the event, HH Swamiji blessed MYP by releasing it’s much-awaited Website and appreciated the efforts in organising many knowledge sharing programmes by MYP in the past.

Readers are requested to visit our FaceBook page to have glimpses of the event.

– Team MYP.


