PramEya Navaratna MAlikA Symposium


Dear haribhaktas,

MYP is pleased to inform that our Unique Two-Days Symposium On “PramEya Navaratnas” of Madhwa Philosophy held at Sri Vyasarajpura on May 25-26, 2019 was a grand success.

About the Topic of the Symposium:

Madhwacharya propounded philosophy called Dualism (Dwaita mata) which states that Lord Vishnu is the only Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent Supreme Soul, and all other entities – souls -, are different from him, and are His subordinates, including the material universe. Lord Vishnu creates the universe, sustains it and destroys it. He creates it solely for the purpose of allowing souls opportunities to progress – attain His Lotus Feet -, and be there in the blissful state for eternity. He maintains the entire universe through other deities in the divine dispensation. Shri Madhwacharya has conclusively proved his philosophy with the support of scriptural quotations, logic and worldly examples.

Shri Madhwacharya has explained this philosophy in great detail in his 37 works which are known as Sarvamoola Granthas. Many of the great yatis, who followed him, have further elaborated the philosophy with their commentaries on his works; the process has still continued. This wealth of higher knowledge, which is necessary for one’s spiritual advancement, has, however, been observed to be accessible only to students of Gurukulas and Pandits, who are in minority at any given point of time. Thus, a large number Maadhwa Bandhus are deprived of higher knowledge. Sri VyasaRajaru has distilled the essence of Acharya Madhwa’s philosphy in One Small Sloka. He has squeeze stuffed all the essential tenets of Tattwawada in it in his Navaratna mAalika- Stotra also known as Vedanta Stotra.

Anyone who wants to understand the tenets and essence of Madhwa Mata will find this Symposium as a Light House. In a way, it will be more apt, if we say it isSarva Shastrartha Sangraha”. On plain reading, the reader may not find it easy to understand the stuff in its entirety.

Sri VyasaAajaru proclaims:

It contains 9 Basic concepts, which are the core of Sri Anandatheertha’s dictums. Each of these dictums need to be adequately and aptly substantiated from the proofs garnered from the works of Sri Poornapragna and these works respectfully worshipped with highest devotion asSarvamoola.

Only when we comprehend the Madhwa’s tenets individually, with the underlying proofs, we can wholeheartedly appreciate and call ourselves as “MADHWAS”.

About the Symposium:

With the above in view, MYP in its Knowledge Sharing endeavor, was pleased to conduct a Two-Days Symposium on these nine tenets – “PramEya Navaratnas” under the auspicious of Sri VyasarAj Matha, Sosale in VyasarAjapura in their recently renovated premises. The event was blessed with the benign presence of Sri HH Vidyashreesha Tirtha Swamiji of Sri Sosale VaysarAj Matha, who kindly inaugurated and presided over the event on both the days.

MYP was fortunate to engage nine Yuva Pandits to deal with each tenet in nine separate sessions followed by Q&A. This motivated and inspired the budding orators of Tattwavada, who are torch bearers for next generation. These young and learned scholars, garnered all the apt and relevant proofs fromSarvamoola”- the works of Acharya Madhwa, to substantiate and clarify the essentials of Madhwa Philosophy.

The Highlights of the Symposium:

1/. Two-days Symposium was inaugurated by Sri HH Vidyashreesha Tirtha Swamiji of Sri Sosale VaysarAj Matha, on the first day, Saturday, Dec 25, 2019.

2/.The outlines of the Symposium for two days was aptly explained in detail by Dr. Vithobachar of SVS Matha.

3/. A Documentary video created by our Team Mate Sri K M Sheshgiri about recent developmental endeavours initiated by Sri HH Vidyashreesha Tirtha Swamiji of Sri Sosale VaysarAj Matha, was played for the review and appreciation by all present.

4/. Discourses on Prameya Nava Ratnas were presented by all 9 yuva pandits individually as per below:

Day One:

i) hariH parataraH Dr. Vid.Vithobachar

Dr. Vithobachar, Dharmadhikari of Shri Vyasaraja Matha (Sosale), who led the team of Nine Yuva Pandits, explained this tenet “Vishnu Sarvottamatwa” i.e Vishnu is the supreme God, in great detail with quotes from Bhagavdgita, Bhagavata Tatprya, NaradIya Purana, Skanda Purana, Gita Bhashya, Ambrani Sukta etc.

ii) satyam jagat – Pt. Vishnu Kashyap Acharya

Pt. Vishnu Kashyap Acharya dealt in detail about this tenet “Chetanachetana Prapancha satyatwa” i.e. world is real, with quotes from Bhagavata Tatparya, Brahma Purana, Rigveda, etc.

iii)  tatwataH bhEdaH – Pt. MarutAcharya

Pt. MarutAcharya from PPVP, explained this tenet “Swatantratwa -Aswatantratwa Bhedas”and established that Sri Manhavishnu is only Swatantra Tatwa and the rest ChetanAchetan prapancha is Aswatantra Tatwa, and the five-fold difference between God, living and non-living beings is an eternal fact. He quoted Shruti- Puranas viz. Padma Purana, Gita Tatparya, Harivamsha, Kathakopanishat, Skanda Purana, Bhagavadgita, Aitareya Upanishat, Karma Samhitayam, Narayana Samhitayam, Brahma Sutra Bhashya, Garuda Puarana, Brahmanda Purana etc.

iv)  jIvagaNAH harEnanucharAH – Pt. Sameeracharya Muguru

Pt.Sameeracharya Muguru, a professional Chartered Accountant, but a brilliant student of Tattwavada from Bengaluru dealt with this tenet of “Vishnu is superior to all brahmAdi devatas and other Jivas who are His subordinates, i.e. all living beings are dependent upon ViShNu for their existence. He quoted shrutis from Bhagavata, MBTN, Vamana Purana, etc.

After theses presentations, HH Swamiji blessed the participants n yuva Panadits with a clear and apt summarization of above Prameyas with his anugraha saMdEsha.

Day Two:

The day started with Sri Hari Vayu Stuti PunshcharaNa by the participants which was conducted at SVS Matha, Tirumakudlu (T.Narasipura) after Triveni Sangama SnAna and AhnIka.

MYP Team presented a Video clip of MYP Story and its achievements till its DashamAnOtsava in Sept’18.

The presentations on balance 5 tenets continued as below.

v)  nIchOchcha bhAvaMgataH – Pt. KrishnAcharya K S

Pt. KrishnAcharya from PPVP, elaborated eloquently this tenet of “Tartatmya”– there is a hierarchy amongst living beings, that is eternal (without beginning or end). He profusely quoted shruti vAkyAs from Gita Bhashya, BrahmAnda Purana, NaradIya Purana, Bhavishyatparvani- Gita tAtparya, Aitareya Bhashya, Hiranyanabhashruti, etc.

vi)  MuktiH Naija sukhAnubhUtiH – Pt. Anandatirtha Mathad

Pt. Anandatirtha Mathad from B’lore -an Engg College Professor and a learned scholar dealt with this tenet supported by a PPT presentation and explained beautifully the Mukti – salvation lies in the soul experiencing its intrinsic joy, with quotes from various Shrutis such as MBTN, Skanda Purana, Brahma Sutra Bhashya, Gita Tatparya,etc.

vii) AmalA BhaktiH cha Tat sAdhanam – Pt. Narahari Joshi

Pt. Narahari Joshi from Muttagi, Vijayapura, a Sudha Pandit from Jayatirtha Vidyapeetha, UM, B’lore presented this tenet- “mahAtmyajnAna pUrvastu sudhRDaH sarvOdhikaH snEhaH” – salvation can be attained only through pure and unsullied love of God (combined with knowledge of His greatness), with quotes from various shrutis such as MBTN, Padma Purana, Gita tAtparya, Bhagavata Purana, and Dasa sAhitya especially on nishchala Bhakti, paramAtma para abhimAna, upAsana parikrama by various Jivaganas, etc.

viii)  AkShAditritayam pramANam – Pt. Suchilendracharya

Pt. Sushilendracharya from SVM Mysore, presented this tenet eloquently – there are three means of knowledge – Pratyaksha, AnumAna, Agama (Shastra)- means of knowledge are sensory perception, inference and holy scriptures. He quoted shruti vAkyas to establish this tenet from Varaha Purana, Bhavishyatpurana, Skanda Purana, Vyasa Smriti, BrahmAnda Purana, Padma Purana etc.

ix)  Akhila AmnAya Eka vEdyo HariH – Pt. Srinivasacharya Korlhalli

Pt. Srinivasacharya Korlhalli form B’lore presented the last tenet of Madhwa’s TattwavAda – All Shruti Puranas only describe the only Independent Sri Hari,- ViShNu is to be perceived in His nature through the holy scriptures and only through them, by quoting pramanas like MBTN, Matsya Purana, Garuda Purana, Harivamsha,Skanda Purana,etc.

This Two-days Symposium scheduled on Sat-Sun, May 25-26,2019 at Vyasarajpura near T.Narasipura, has undoubtedly put us into such formidable position, where in, we can give a befitting assertions to command the supremacy of “Madhwa Philosphy”.

HH Sri VidyAShrieesha Tirtha Swamiji concluded in his amrutOpadEsha that this Symposium should become the first and essential compulsion for any divine knowledge seeker. Undoubtedly, one needs to garner all the underlying points by- heart. Acharya Madhwa will be so pleased if we can make this event at frequent intervals to garner divine knowledge and spiritual advancement. Each and every Madhwa should be proud and aspire to participate in such divine Knowledge Sharing endeavor in future.

MYP is grateful to Dr. Vithobachar of SVM who involved with the Team from planning to execution of this Symposium. MYP also acknowledges with gratitude the arrangements made by SVM administration at Vyasarajapura and T.Narasipura. With the divine blessings of HH Swamiji, PhalamantAkshate and prasda were offered to all Scholars and participants.

||HariH SarvOttamaH vAyuH jIvOttamaH||

– Team MYP

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