Pratahsankalpa Gadyam


Dear Haribhaktas,

MYP’s one-day vichAra saMkiraNa on “prAtaHsaMkalpa gadyam” was a grand success.

MYP is pleased to record its deepest gratitude to all the participants who made it a grand success. There were more than 65 jijnAsus who participated in a day long vichAra saMkiaraNa for marathon chiMtana of each word of prose of Sri Raghavendra Teertha virachita “prAtaHsaMkalpa gadyam”. The event was conducted in the premises of Sri Raghavendra Seva Samiti(R), 4th T Block, Jayanagar, Bengaluru, which was inaugurated by Pandit Sri Karanam Vadirajacharya.

The “prAtaHsaMklpa gadyaM” is one single sentence in 4-5 printed pages, which conveys Sri Raghavendra Swamiji’s self-affirmation (saMkalpa) while waking up each morning thinking about and meditating on Sri Maha Vishnu. In this composition of “prAtaHsaMkalpa gadyaM”, Sri Raghavendra Swamiji beautifully narrates but in brief the visheSha mahimAs and vilakShaNa gunAs of Sri Hari, Sri Vayudevaru, and Sri Manmadhwacharyaru. Accordingly, the Vichara SaMkiraNa was divided into three sessions covering Sri Vayudevarura Mahime, Sri ChaturUpAtmaka Bhagavantana Mahime, and the SaMkalpa VivaraNe.

The Vichara GoshThi was presided over by the learned Senior Scholar Vid. Sri Hayavadan Puranik.

During the first session, Pt. Karanam Vadirajacharya covering Sri Vayudevara Mahime, discussed in detail the each word of the Prose describing the special adjectivesbeautifully composed by Sri Raghavendra Swamiji with reference to SarvaMula Granthas and Sumadhwa Vijaya etc. The gist of his deliberations is as follows.

Sri Raghavendra Swamiji starts with the description of Vayudevaru. He establishes the fact that Sri Vayudevaru is the foremost among the worshippers of The , Sri Maha Vishnu. The infinite positive attributes, qualities and the methods of Sri Maha Vishnu are explained in various Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas etc. The Vedas especially are not composed by anyone but have always existed. The words of Vedas and indeed all words existing in the universe essentially describe the nature of the Sri Maha Vishnu. Among all the words and hymns found in the Vedas, the Supreme hymn is ‘OM’. Sri Vayudevaru is the supreme authority on all the hymns in the Vedas and has a complete comprehension of all words and hymns in the Vedas. It is noted that in Sri Sumadhwa Vijaya, Chapter 4, verse 32, it is stated that Sri Madhwcharya is the supreme authority (Japadhikaari) of the Pranava Mantra-OM.

Sri Vayudevaru is completely untouched by any sins and is beyond the reach of any demons. He is full of positive attributes such as undiluted devotion to Sri Maha Vishnu. He can be understood only through the scriptures. Other than terms specifically used to describe Sri Maha Vishnu and Sri Lakshmi, it is said that all other words in the Vedas refer to Sri Vayudevaru. He is the primary deputy of the , Sri Maha Vishnu. He is very kind, very forgiving and very affectionate of his devotees. This attribute of Sri Vayudevaru also finds mention in Sri Sumadhwa Vijaya, Chapter 5, verse 31.

Further, Sri Raghavendra Swamiji sets up the foundation for the reasons behind the incarnation of Sri Vayudevaru as Sri Madhwacharya on the earth. Many years ago, due to the passage of time, true knowledge of the scriptures was lost. Pious people desirous of learning the scriptures were not able to receive proper guidance. This prompted devatas such as Brahma, Rudra etc, to pray to Sri Maha Vishnu on behalf of the people thirsty for true knowledge. Sri Maha Vishnu directed Sri Vayudevaru to adorn the role of a human being on the earth with the principal purpose of spreading the true meaning of the scriptures. Sri Vayudevaru, with utmost humility, wore Sri Maha Vishnu’s wishes as one would wear an ornament on the head and incarnated as Sri Madhwacharya and established the Dwaita School of Philosophy on a firm foundation. This fact is also described in Sri Sumadhwa Vijaya, Chapter 2, verses 1-4.

Sri Madhwacharya was blessed by the , Sri Maha Vishnu and was also designated by the Him, to be worthy of worship by everyone. Sri Madhwacharya is also described to be full of auspicious attributes and indeed possesses all the 32 superior characteristics (lakshanas). It is interesting to note that Sri Sumadhwa Vijaya, Chapter 7 and verse 5 also makes a reference to Sri Madhwacharya possessing the 32 lakshanas. One of the important characteristics among these 32 is the ability of Sri Madhwacharya to clear any doubts in the minds of his disciples with regard to philosophical issues. After all, Sri Madhwacharya himself is devoid of any doubts in this matter.

Sri Madhwacharya possesses complete understanding of the 7 crore major hymns from the scriptures and is continuously praying to the various forms of , Sri Maha Vishnu. He is further aware of all the various forms of Sri Maha Vishnu some of which are described in scriptures such as the Vedas, the Mahabharata and also forms which are not described in any scriptures. Sri Madhwacharya also knows Sri Maha Vishnu as having limitless forms and each of these infinite forms possessing limitless auspicious, complete attributes. It is interesting to note that Sumadhwa Vijaya, Chapter 12, verse 52 also describes Sri Madhwacharya as constantly focused and praying on Sri Maha Vishnu’s infinite forms.

Sri Madhwacharya is continuously focused on worshipping the infinite attributes of Sri Maha Vishnu as described in the scriptures. In addition to worshipping His attributes, Sri Madhwacharya also prays on the infinite forms, infinite ornaments and indeed the infinite activities of Sri Maha Vishnu. Sri Madhwacharya is most compassionate, most forgiving and most affectionate of his devotees. An example of Sri Madhwacharya’s compassion towards his disciples is illustrated in Sumadhwa Vijaya, Chapter 14, verse 10. With a view to move his devotees away from traversing in the wrong direction and to put them on a solid path towards salvation, he addresses Sri Maha Vishnu thus – Oh, My Sri Maha Vishnu, please have pity on these tired, poor, depressed, orphaned souls and guide them on the right path.

Sri Madhwacharya is the supreme preceptor of knowledge among all teachers and he is the force powering the activities of all teachers. He is singularly focused on meditating upon Sri Maha Vishnu and has no interest in any activity devoid of divinity. Sri Madhwacharya knows and prays Sri Maha Vishnu as characterized by the following attributes. That Sri Maha Vishnu is Always Omnipresent, has infinite forms, He is the creator, sustainer, and destroyer of all things in the universe and He alone instigates, encourages and arbitrates all activities in the universe. Every word, sound describes only Him. He is devoid of any defects. He is supreme and is different from anyone and anything in the universe.

Sri Madhwacharya is also devoid of any defects. He is capable of removing any defects or deficiencies in his devotees. His constant meditation of Sri Lakshmi and Sri Maha Vishnu frees him from nature’s bonds. His purity and completeness allow him to cure any deficiencies in his devotees. Sri Madhwacharya is the original teacher for all of us.

Pt. Karanam Vadirajacharya at the end of his session answered all the questions raised by the participants aptly and participants were enlightened.

The President of the GoShThi Vid. Hayavadana Puranik summed up the first session describing the greatness of Sri Madhwacharya and explained that we are fortunate to have him as our Kulaguru and should be indebted to him all the time.

For the Second Session on ChaturUpatmaka Sri Maha Vishnu, another eminent Scholar Pt. Panachamukhi Pavamanacharya came all the way from Mantralaya as if he has been sent By Sri Raghavnedra Swamiji himslef to address the participants. The participants were all delighted to know this and felt sublimely blessed. Pt.Panachamukhi Pavamanacharya continued the GoShThi and discussed in detail with quotes from HKS. He was very emphatic to convince the participants that Sri Raghavendra Swamiji is so kind hearted to compose this Prose just to lead us to the blissful journey of our sAdhane.

He further described the attributes of Sri Maha Vishnu , His relationship with the universe and provided a summary of the workings of the universe. Sri Raghavendra Swami refers to Sri Maha Vishnu as residing in Sri Madhwacharya and identifies the four main forms of Sri Maha Vishnu among His infinite forms, each full and complete in itself. The four forms of Sri Maha Vishnu are – Pradyumna, Aniruddha, Sankarshana and Vasudeva. Sri Maha Vishnu takes on the form of Pradyumna during the creation of the universe and His consort Sri Lakshmi performs Her activities in the form of Kriti during this period. During the sustenance period of the universe, Sri Maha Vishnu dons the form of Aniruddha and is accompanied by Shanthi, and at the time of the dissolution of the universe, Sri Maha Vishnu takes on the form of Sankarshana and is assisted by Jaya. During these periods, the four-faced Brahma and Sri Vayudevaru assist Sri Maha Vishnu.

He also explained that Sri Raghavendra Swamiji describes the process that salvation bound souls (Moksha gami Jivas) undergo at the end of the dissolution of the universe. In order to reach salvation (Moksha), individual souls need to be completely devoid of any Karma (effect of deeds) accrued during the course of many lives. Salvation bound souls rid themselves of accrued negative Karma (Anishta Sanchita Prarabha Karma) by meditating on Sri Maha Vishnu and indulging in positive activities. Sri Maha Vishnu , utilizing the services of great teachers such as the four-faced Brahma teaches them the way of meditation. Such souls after ridding themselves of accrued karma and distributing the unspent fruits of accumulated good deeds to other deserving souls (Ishta Prarabha Karma), bathe in the Viraja river and are led by Brahma and take refuge in the Sri Maha Vishnu . At this stage, the salvation bound souls do not possess any physical body and are preparing to experience complete bliss in cosmic form. Salvation bound souls who have taken refuge in Sri Maha Vishnu during the period of the dissolution of the universe are completely focused on meditating on Sri Maha Vishnu, but have not yet experienced eternal bliss. As the cycle of the creation of the universe starts, Sri Maha Vishnu in the form of Sri Vasudeva who is assisted by Sri Lakshmi who dons the role of Maya, takes these noble souls to view the Shweta Dweepa (The White Island abode of Sri Maha Vishnu). At this stage, these salvation bound souls enter the final abode and start enjoying eternal bliss. The state of souls who have achieved salvation is described in detail in Chapter 11 of Sri Sumadhwa Vijaya.

At the time of the dissolution of the Universe, Sri Maha Vishnu takes on the form of Anantha Padmanabha and will be lying on the Adi Sesha (the Original Serpent). The entire universe of souls would have taken refuge in Sri Maha Vishnu. Salvation deserving souls will be in the upper chambers of Sri Maha Vishnu’s stomach, the eternal Samsari’s and those who have not yet attained salvation will be in the middle part of Sri Maha Vishnu’s stomach and the evil souls will be in the lower chamber. At this stage, Sri Maha Vishnu will be in the embrace of His consorts, Sri and Bhoo Devi. All the other devtas such as the four-faced Brahma, Sri Vayudevaru and others will be worshipping the Lotus feet of Sri Maha Vishnu who creates and sustains the concepts of Time, Space and Universe. The last session about the SaMkalpa VivaraNe, was blessed with the divine presence of HH Sri Vidyesha Teertha Swamiji, Bhandarakeri Matha. HH Swamiji was gracious enough to bless all the participants for their joining such a wonderful workshop by MYP. HH Swamiji also lauded Team MYP’s efforts in their commitment to Knowledge Sharing Activities on regular basis.

HH Swamiji explained that every second of every day Sri Vayudevaru purifies our intellect and performs all activities and gets all activities performed by all Jivas. He is owner of all activities and submits all activities to Sri Maha Vishnu. He consumes the fruits of all activities and distributes the fruits of relevant activities to particular Jivas. He indeed encourages performance of activities, teaches right activities to be performed, purifies our activities grants us the mastery of activities, grants us commitment in the activities and is the ultimate witness to all our activities and prays to Sri Maha Vishnu in the relevant form based on the activity.

HH Swamiji further explained that Sri Rayaru mentions that Sri Vayudevaru is the witness to all activities performed by all life forms at all times. He worships Sri Maha Vishnu’s form of Kapila. Sri Vayudeavru is also full of infinite, auspicious attributes and is devoid of any defects. He completely understands the intent of Sri Hari and carries out His orders and is always blessed by Sri Hari. Sri Vayudevaru is also aware of the limited capabilities of individual souls.

HH Swamiji also described the utmost devotion of Sri Raghavendra Swamiji towards Sri Vayudevaru who is worshiped by Sri Rudra Devaru and other Devatas, and powers all his activities in all conditions. Thus, Sri Raghavendra Swamiji performs all his activities as ordained by Sri Vayudevaru.

He further appreciated that Sri Raghavendra Swamiji wakes every morning thinking about Sri Maha Vishnu, meditating on Him and resolves to conduct day’s activities appropriately to the best of his abilities and means, consistent with his place, time, situation and offers them to Sri Maha Vishnu as His Puja.

HH Swamiji concluded the last session while appreciating the kAruNya of Sri Raghavendra Swamiji on all of us, as he, in his last words in this composition, prays and offers to Sri Maha Vishnu to encourage his family members, disciples and his subordinates only with a gracious concern to uplift the pAmaras like all of us.

Thus concludes the “prAtah saMkalpa gadyam” appropriately composed by Sri Raghavendra Swamiji and it may please Sri Hari (Madhava) and Sri Vayudevaru (Madhwa).

HH Swamiji explained the resolve of Sri Raghavendra Swamiji so emphatically and advised all the participants to have right kind of approach and anusaMdhAna.

The entire event covering all the sessions of the day has been Video recorded and can be found here.

MYP is indebted to Sri Raghavendra Seva Samiti (R), 4th T Block, Jayanagar, Bengaluru, for all their support and meticulous arrangements. The participants appreciated the efforts of the organizing Team for their professional approach to the event.

By the grace of Shri Hari vAyu gurugaLu, the event was such a grand success, that has boosted the morale of all Team Members who are now on to focus on next event – A VichAra SaMkiraNa on ” Sri Raghavendra Swamiji’s Sarva SamarpaNa Gadyam” to be announced shortly.

PS.: You can have glimpses of the Event in the following link.: -9m

– Team MYP

PSG Report(1)


